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Conference of the International Conference “The Role of Tajik Scholars and Thinkers in the Development of Islamic Culture and Civilization” in Tajikistan

Ahmed Bin Abdulqader

On the joint initiative of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, an International Conference entitled “The role of Tajik Scholars and Intellectuals in the Development of Islamic Culture and Civilization” was held in Dushanbe on September 12-13, 2024. The participants in the Conference highly appreciated the role and effective contribution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan under the leadership of its Leader His Excellency President of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Emomali Rahmon in the protection of the high values of Islamic culture and strengthening unity and solidarity in the Islamic World.

At separate meetings of the Conference, emphasize was put on the importance of the great services of the Grand scholars such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Tirmizi, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Ghazoli, Abu Ali ibn Sina, Maulana Jalaliddin Balkhi, Abu Rayhan Beruni, Khorezmi, Farabi and other geniuses of science and knowledge of the lands of Mawaraunnahr and Khorasan and the lasting influence of their works in the development and promotion of creative thought and pure Islamic culture around.  

In this regard, scientific works of the great people of this region, which constitute an integral part of the Muslim world, the basis of which are high Islamic ideas and values, humanism, justice, science and knowledge purity and kindness were evaluated as a source of grace for science and knowledge for the present and future generation of Islamic countries.

Also, emphasis was put on the great contribution of scientists and great men of Khorasan and Mawaraunnahr not only in the development of religious sciences such as doctrine, jurisprudence, interpretation and hadith, but also in the formation and progress of secular exact sciences such as medicine, geometry, mathematics, natural science, astrology etc. all within the process of strengthening the foundations of civilization and culture of the Islamic world.

Participants in the conference affirmed that the appreciation and praise of prominent Tajik and Central Asian scientists, pioneers of Islamic sciences and knowledge, scholars and imams of this vast and civilized region is part of the joint efforts of the OIC member states, which are aimed at presenting the original and real image of the religion of Islam and the rich Islamic culture.

During the separate meetings of the Conference, special attention was paid to  the scientific and historical evaluation of the works and the contribution of Tajik Scholars and Intellectuals in the development of Islamic civilization, the pressing issues and cultural and social needs of the countries of the Islamic world as well as the promotion of the constructive role of the high  values of Islamic culture in ensuring  peace and stability and cohabitation among nations in multicultural societies, and in building  sustainable bridges of dialogue among religions, human and cultural relations and tolerance around the world.

Participants in the conference expressed the hope that the results of this international conference would serve as a good example of creating a common cultural space within the framework of the larger OIC family, and providing a platform of exchange of valuable ideas and evaluation of effective cooperation between countries.  

The participants in the Conference addressed their thanks and gratitude to the honorable President of the Republic of Tajikistan H. E. Mr. Emomali Rahmon, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and all the participants who made a significant and valuable contribution to the holding of this scientific and cultural event. They unanimously expressed confidence that such efforts will be welcomed in the other Islamic countries and will be effective in the implementation of the noble goals and aspirations of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. 

البيان الختامي للمؤتمر الدولي "دور العلماء والمفكرين الطاجيك في تنمية الثقافة والحضارة الإسلامية" في طاجيكستان
Conference of the International Conference “The Role of Tajik Scholars and Thinkers in the Development of Islamic Culture and Civilization” in Tajikistan
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